
Happy 1st Birthday, brickd!
Our little app has turned 1 year old! Earn a new badge to celebrate and enter to win one of three prizes!

More Stories

Monthly Recaps: Relive Your LEGO Journey!
Discover brickd’s new Monthly User Recaps that spotlight your LEGO builds, collections, and milestones. Relive your LEGO story with a personalized, bite-sized snapshot each month!
Discover brickd’s new Monthly User Recaps that spotlight your LEGO builds, collections, and milestones. Relive your LEGO story with a personalized, bite-sized snapshot each month!

Celebrate International LEGO Day 2025!
International LEGO Day is a day of celebration of all things bricks! To celebrate we have unique badge for you to earn!
International LEGO Day is a day of celebration of all things bricks! To celebrate we have unique badge for you to earn!

A Recap of 2024 with brickd
Let's take a look back at 2024 with brickd, as well as give away a $100 Gift Card on LEGO.com!
Let's take a look back at 2024 with brickd, as well as give away a $100 Gift Card on LEGO.com!

Celebrate your year of LEGO with Year in Bricks!
Year in Bricks a recap lookback of your LEGO activity on the platform! You can see a summarized view of your stats and share with friends!
Year in Bricks a recap lookback of your LEGO activity on the platform! You can see a summarized view of your stats and share with friends!

Quantity for Sets is Live!
We've heard you loud a clear, and you can now add quantities to your sets on brickd! You can actually add the set condition (sealed, new, used) as well and custom notes!
We've heard you loud a clear, and you can now add quantities to your sets on brickd! You can actually add the set condition (sealed, new, used) as well and custom notes!

Minifigs Collections are Coming!
With our latest update you can now search and add your minfigures to their own seperate collections! It's a great way to show for your collection and add notes about each one!
With our latest update you can now search and add your minfigures to their own seperate collections! It's a great way to show for your collection and add notes about each one!

Let's Chat about LEGO in Discussions!
We have launched a brand new feature called Discussions where you can engage with the community by asking questions, creating polls and sharing photos outside of adding a set to your collection!
We have launched a brand new feature called Discussions where you can engage with the community by asking questions, creating polls and sharing photos outside of adding a set to your collection!

Introducing brickd Builder
A new subscription offering from brickd gives you access to new features as a power user!
A new subscription offering from brickd gives you access to new features as a power user!

Add Purchase Location to your Sets
You can now track where you purchased your sets, and save them as meta-data on your collection items!
You can now track where you purchased your sets, and save them as meta-data on your collection items!

Introducing brickd Creator
With brickd Creator, you can add your own video content outside of brickd as Set Reviews to app in the brickd app and web. It's free to join!
With brickd Creator, you can add your own video content outside of brickd as Set Reviews to app in the brickd app and web. It's free to join!

brickd is now on the Web!
In addition to our app, you can now browse, view and engage with the brickd community via your browser!
In addition to our app, you can now browse, view and engage with the brickd community via your browser!

AI Image Search gets an Upgrade!
We've upgrade our AI Image Search on brickd, to capture both sets in boxes and completed built set and try to find the matching set!
We've upgrade our AI Image Search on brickd, to capture both sets in boxes and completed built set and try to find the matching set!

Move aside Photos, Video is here!
Only taking photos of your LEGO set can be boring, but now you can now add video, in addition to images on brickd, so you can share building techiques, play features and more!
Only taking photos of your LEGO set can be boring, but now you can now add video, in addition to images on brickd, so you can share building techiques, play features and more!

Say Hello via Chats on brickd
Chats allow you to connect with friends on brick by sharing real-time direct messages and the ability so share sets directly via chat right into the app!
Chats allow you to connect with friends on brick by sharing real-time direct messages and the ability so share sets directly via chat right into the app!

Beneath the Brick - What tech is brickd built on?
In an effort to share the tech stack for brickd with others, this blog outlines the tech behind brickd, and how much I pay to run the service and some suggestions on future improvements.
In an effort to share the tech stack for brickd with others, this blog outlines the tech behind brickd, and how much I pay to run the service and some suggestions on future improvements.

Hello, MOCs!
MOCs (My Own Creations) are now enabled on brickd! Add your own creations and share with the community!
MOCs (My Own Creations) are now enabled on brickd! Add your own creations and share with the community!

You could win a $100 LEGO giftcard from brickd!
By using your account on brickd to complete a set in the month of April, you could win a $100 gift card to LEGO.com!
By using your account on brickd to complete a set in the month of April, you could win a $100 gift card to LEGO.com!

Introducing Collaborative Collections: A new way to build, collect and share!
You can now create collaborative colllection on brickd, opening the world to shared building, collecting and more!
You can now create collaborative colllection on brickd, opening the world to shared building, collecting and more!

Find your real-time pricing for your favorite sets on brickd!
brickd now shows you pricing for online and retail vendors for your favorite sites, with easy options to buy it now!
brickd now shows you pricing for online and retail vendors for your favorite sites, with easy options to buy it now!